Research Area

My research area for the rest of semester is going to involve vegetarian and vegan diet lifestyles. The first source I found, I had gotten off of the library database, it is from a Time Magazine, from last year, by author Jeffrey Kluger. I’m the article “Don’t Feel Guilty Eating Meat” Kluger explains that we are carnivorous creatures to begin with, and that the animals we are consuming would not question whether to eat US, if the roles were switched. Kluger describes all other creatures as morally ambiguous.

My second article is out of “Scholastic Choices” by author Heather Mayer. She explains the different reasons for starting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, and enlightens us on different celebrities and historical figures that were or are vegan and vegetarian. Mayer explains that it is important yet easy to be sure you are eating a rounded vegan/vegetarian diet, and that it is even more important for teens to get a rounded meal due to still growing.

This topic interest me because I would like to find out if one of these diets are worth doing or not. If they are healthier than Eating meats and animal byproducts. So far I think it is funny how sure each side of the argument seems to be.

Links: The Vegan and Vegetarian Route

Dont Feel Guilty About Eating Animals

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